Get to know me - Kathryn Austin
Welcome to my Blog! I am watching the Full Moon set and Morning Sun rise as I write this, and I know that I am in beautiful, divine timing. I have been thinking about this blog for a long time and excited to move from Thought to Action with this first entry. My intention for this blog, is to provide personal and professional insight, contemplation, exploration, tools, and practices to support holistic health.
Let me introduce myself – my name is Kathryn Austin, and I am a psychotherapist and energy worker in Austin, Texas. These days my attention is divided between my private practice, energy/healing work, the creation of a human potential business called ClarityVeil (stay tuned, it launches this New Year’s Eve, 2023), my family and home, as well as my own development and growth.
I feel myself living in alignment with purpose and passion, on the path to my highest expression, with daily experiences of so much Joy. I am not here to brag, but to honor this truth, and perhaps reflect the possibility and inspiration for you to create your own dream life. I am a student of Hermetic Philosophy, and one of the pillar teachings is the Principle of Correspondence, popularly known by the phrase “As above, So below”. May this blog be in accordance with that principle, that I may share my Joy and Knowledge with as many people as possible, As within, So without.
Some background about me: I was born in Washington DC where my family still resides. I went to college in Ohio and then attended the University of Texas for graduate school. My family, education, and travel experiences are the foundation for my continual growth and curiosity. For the last decade, I have worked as a psychotherapist and continued to study attachment theory, neurobiology research, somatic and experiential techniques to use in my clinical work. I found that these Mind and Body approaches were limited without the incorporation of spiritual exploration and connection. So, I began to practice yoga and meditation which influenced the use of mindfulness and breathwork in my clinical practice. I then increased my commitment to a spiritual practice and started studying metaphysics and mysticism with the Modern Mystery School. I bring the wisdom and tools from each of these arenas into my client work, which allows me to feel confident in the creation and offering of a truly holistic wellness system.
This is a season of harvesting, and I am doing just that, as the seeds that were planted earlier this year begin to bloom. In addition to individual and couples therapy, I am currently offering a virtual Mother Support Group called Martyrdom to Majesty, Fridays at 12pm. I am also co-leading an up-coming Inner Child Wellness Retreat at Krause Springs on Saturday October 22. And lastly, I am working with friends and business partners to create online courses that allow greater access to wellness support through self development and potential.
With this first entry, I find myself aware of the transition into an expanded level of community and service. I welcome you to join the ride, and I hope that we are able to learn and grow side by side, as we work to know ourselves, understand our gifts and power, and then share it with this world. From my heart to yours – namaste.