Balancing Your Career With Your Responsibilities As A Mom

Work-life balance has been a key phrase over the past few years that’s become a main topic of discussion. For many, having a work-life balance means you can manage personal life matters during the work day when needed without explaining your actions or getting permission from others.
For others, work-life balance is equal time and priority in personal and professional lives. When you have a family, work-life balance becomes even more critical.
Many parents want to be able to spend time with their children outside of wakeup and bedtime routines. They want to be able to be a working professional, but they also understand the importance of family time and being present with their children.
For moms, the struggle to balance careers with responsibilities as a mom can be more intense. The desire to be fully committed to both family and work can be an impossible, thankless, and exhausting task that working moms take on.
Unfortunately for many, they’re often perceived (unfairly) as not being fully present at home or work. What’s important to know is that having a fulfilling career while being an active parent is possible. The key to that is finding the balance that works for you and your family.
Below we will discuss tips to help moms balance career and parenting, hopefully making it easier for them to do both.
To start–letting go of “mom guilt” is critical.
It’s a very unfair stigma, but mothers are commonly seen as abandoning their children, while fathers are praised for working to “provide” for their families. For some women, the financial option to stay home isn’t there, and it’s necessary to go back. For others, they’re not ready to give up their career. No matter the reason, the decision to return to work should be praised instead of judged.
If you’re a mom who’s going back to work full-time or part-time or has already returned, it’s important to let go of the guilt. Try to focus on the positives that work contributes to your family. Feeling confident that you’re making the best choice for your family is important.
Find ways to save time.
- If resources allow, schedule grocery delivery or pickup times so you can save time shopping each week.
- When schedules allow, get quick errands or household work done during your lunch break to free up more time in the evenings and during the week.
- Prepare your outfits and your children's outfits, and breakfasts/lunches the night before to save time in the morning.
Be upfront and honest with your manager.
Many parents need to have flexibility in their schedules. This might be changing your lunch hour to a bit later in the day to accommodate school pickups or bus stop times, leaving a bit “early” on a specific day for activities, or having the ability to pick up a sick child from school. Talking to your manager at the start of the school year or before school is out for summer will alleviate work pressures to work a standard 9-5 schedule. It also helps them realize you are dedicated to your job and family.
Make (and take) time for yourself.
This is critical in maintaining your mental and physical health when work and home life feel hectic. It can be easier said than done–especially when it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day. But doing this will help you stay on top of all priorities and responsibilities. Give yourself even just 30 minutes a day to do something you enjoy. This can be reading a book, going for a walk, doing yoga, or another leisurely activity.
Remember, you’re doing your best, and you’ve got this!
If you are struggling as a mom, know that you aren't alone and you have support. Reach out to us to learn more about Therapy for Mom's and how we can help you in this juggling act of life.